v3.2 [Jul 22, 2017]
Bug fixes:
On some configurations the program stopped displaying its UI
It was impossible to select a locked file from the open file dilog ('file in use' error)
The program displayed a wrong message on command line "delete" command Incorrect order of "kill" command when called with "delete" switch ("delete" called before "kill" which lead to inabilty to delete a blocked file)
A message may display even when the program called with "silent" command line switch
The program displayed success message on deletion failure of a folder
Some minor interface glitches in classic Windows theme fixed
Command line may loose some parameters when run from non elevated environment
New features:
Now command line return non zero exit code in case of unsuccessful operation. Find list of exit codes in the manual "delperm" command line switch added. It allows to delete a file permanently without taking it to the Recycle Bin
v3.1 [Nov 22, 2013]
Fixed: In case if the UAC is disabled and the program is running under non administrative account it doesn't start (actually it started to run itself in an infinite loop).
v2.0 [Feb 29, 2012]
Fixed the problem with the garbled process list on Windows 7 64 bit with Aero theme enabled.